Saturday, January 1, 2011

FIRST DAY!!!!!!!

Hey Everyone!! 

Today I arrived in the great city of Washington DC. Since I cannot move in until tomorrow, we explored a little and drove by my new apartment. It looks so nice (can't wait till I can see the inside). The picture below is of the outside of my apartment. What do you think? 

After leaving my apartment I walked the few blocks it takes to get to the Capitol Building and then walked to the amazing Union Station. This walk gave me the opportunity to see some restaurants, explore the local grocery store, and find some places to get  my dry-cleaning done and my hair cut. All in all it was a very successful trip!! I can't wait to move in tomorrow : D  : D!!

Christmas Tree in Union Station

So what am I doing in DC this semester? Well, like I stated in my first post, the Washington Semester Program is a combination of a seminar program, internship, and a research paper. My seminar will focus on everything American Politics. I feel so privileged to be able to have this opportunity to work with such a great Senator from Rhode Island. As of right now, I am still thinking about a topic for my research paper...any ideas?? 

Well until next time...stay honest and keep those around you honest!!

- Josh 

1 comment:

  1. If I could go back and rewrite this post, I would definitely mention my mother. She was a nervous wreck on this day. Two words that can describe me perfectly are "mama's boy", she is my best friend and is very overprotective, some would call her a helicopter mom. I remember the first time I told her I was thinking of DC as Study Abroad, although she adamant about me not living in a city, she though it would be safer than leaving the country -- at least in DC she was only going to be six hours away and could come and get me for what ever reason.

    The day that we got to Washington DC and walked around my neighborhood, which was right behind the Capitol, she felt a bit more comfortable. Nothing made her more happy than the police officer that sat on the edge of my street for security reasons to the proximity from the Capitol. Over time, she became more comfortable. She knew that I had a good head on my shoulders and was ready to take on the journey in a safe and often overly cautious way (I think back to the moments walking home from Union Station at night gripping my belongings and constantly looking back). She was right. I was ready.
