Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wait..I live where?

Hey Everyone!!

I can't believe it has only been abour about 2 weeks since I moved to Washington DC. I have done so much in these past few weeks that it seems like I have been here for months! After moving in, I met my roommate Fred when he arrived later that night and we ventured out and poked around our new neighborhood, which of course ended in a late dinner at McDonalds in Union Station (open till 11 if you were curious haha). The next day after moving in, my parents, of whom I am much appreciative, stocked our kitchen with food and drinks. I also met my other roomate Chris and the three of us began walking around and talking. Throughout the next few days we met the girls who live on the fifth floor, Meg, Michelle, and Tata. These three girls quickly became our best friends and the continuing nights were filled with bonding and much laughter. By the end of the week, we met and bonded with the Apartment on the 4th floor. We became a unified group, a family, or as we like to call it Real World DC: Capitol Hill!!!

I never thought how busy i would be while I was down here. Three days a week I have classes and the other two I have my internship with a Senator. This has been my first week of actual classes, last week haveing quickly met with my teacher and class for an introduction. My seminar here, American Politics, is and 8 credit course that includes both classroom lectures and about 4-5 speakers in different fields. On day one we started running and never looked back. We discussed what built the American Political System, what it is made of, and how it applies to today's society. Yesterday we met with two great and powerful speakers. The first was an inspiring 25 year old who, at only 25, founded 2 organizations and eagerly awaits going public with his 3rd in February. His major focus is on the power of the youth -- the fact that WE do NOT need to stand in line, wait for "our time" to stand up and speak, because this is OUR TIME, it is the time WE NEED to stand up. Even as young people, we can be resepected, but we must act professional, be adults, work harder and smarter, and through those will respect come. I encourage all of you to sign up for his new organization, Our Time. To join and become part of constituency that is ready to stand up for our generation click here. The next speaker was a specialist in American Public Oppinion. Her remarks were very interesting in showing us how certain oppinions remain consistent over time, how some oppinions have vastly changed, and how the way a question is asked ina poll or study can cause ambiguity and contradiction. After the speakers, I remained for my first Research Seminar, the last part of my semester in Washington. Duing this seminar we were given the task of writing a 40-50 page Research Paper using the great city of Washington DC as our labatory. I am thinking about writing about either the absence of Civic Education in schools in America or the effect of the No Child Left Behind Act on teacher and the student. What topic do you think I should write about? Any more ideas?

As I wrote about in my last blog, I am currently living write on Capitol Hill, just a 2 minute walk from the Capitol Building. On Friday, since many congressional committee hearings are open to the public, I had the opportunity to attend the Budget Committee Hearing, Although it was long, and the discussion often went places that I did not understand, I still had the honor to sit feet away from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke, and many distinguished Senators who are members of the Budge Committee. This is one of the many "star-struck" situations I have entered into over my first few weeks here. My first day leaving the elevator of one of the senate buildings I walked by the Honorable Senator Barbara Mikulski, who that day officially became the longest serving female senator in American history. She even stopped and had a conversation with me about the importance of teachers after I told her I wanted to be one. Crazy! Here in DC, however, it is not just the people that provide the "star-struck" feeling, but also the buildings. Even after weeks living here, I still am in awe everytime I see the Supreme Court Building, The Capitol, the monuments, and especially the White House. I sometimes I still feel like I am on vacation, since it is almost unbelieveable that I, a student from a small town in VT, am now living and studying in Washington DC. It is an amzing and often times overwhelming experience.

Socially, these past few weeks have been great. Like I stated before, my housing complex, made of 5 apartments, has become a family. Last night we bonded with our 3rd floor neighbors and the whole house was complete -- hanging out, eating, and laughing together. The funny thing is -- we are all extremely different. As a whole, we have different personalities, different goals, differernt priorities, different views, and are even from different countries (one of my housemates is from Georgia and two are from Norway). This is not like many of the friends I have made that are also Washington Semester Students who live on Tenley Campus, the satelite campus of American University. Each person is unique here, not one the same. I can now say I have close friends, who are not only from around the United States, but around the world. Saturday, January 8th, was my birthday and I was able to spend it completing a scavenger hunt with 7 fellow students put on by Things to Do in DC, a hunt that sent 6 teams racing through the streets of DC. This provided me with an opportunity to bond with seven students which started a bond that continued during my Birthday dinner and, if I am fortunate enough, will continue throughout the semester and beyond. Spending my 20th birthday in DC was an amazing experience, I will not soon forget.

As you can see, I am having an amazing time here in DC. I would love to hear about what you think about my blogs, so please comment :). If you have any questions you want me to discuss, or pieces of blogs that you would like me to discuss even further, please ask in my formspring :).

Have a great day!

Stay honest and keep those around you honest
- Josh

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