Thursday, February 17, 2011

Out of Crisis Comes Opportunity

Hello Everyone.

Today, I had planned on releasing Part 2 of my Conservative Like Me expose, but have decided to prolong it. As those of you in the Saint Michael's College community know, SMC suffered a great loss last night. For those of you who are unaware of what happened, a freshman male died unexpectedly. Even while in Washington, D.C., last night I felt so much loss and grief. Saint Michael's college is more than just a great community, it is a family. When a family member is lost, even though you may not know them, it feels like a ton of bricks has hit you. We lost an SMC brother last night, a brother that will never be forgotten in all of our hearts.

An ancient chinese proverb states, "a crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind”. There is no doubt that the events of last night wasa great crisis for our community. If anything, we must take away the importance of love, the feeling of love. After hearing the news last night, I instantly took to my phone and told my friends how much I loved them. This is so important. Everyone is loved. Although sometimes we may forget, or feel as though it is not true, there is someone out there that loves you. This crisis has given the SMC family the chance to see that, to become aware of the importance of telling those around you how much you love them. I invite all of you, in Jordans memory, call, text, email, notify those around you that you love them. Let them know that you are their for them. In a Facebook status last night, someone wrote that you will never know when someone needs to be told they are loves, needs a helping hand. This is so true. We are not psychic. We don't always know when someone needs a hug, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or just three words. We must take every chance we can to offer these to those we care about, and to those we may argue with.

My prayers go out to the family and friends of Jordan, and to anyone who may believe that ending their life  is their only choice. You are LOVED.

Peace, Love, and Hugs,

- Joshua


  1. You are an amazing young man! Love you lots! Auntie Dawn

  2. Never did I think when I traveled abroad that I would not be able to be there for my friends in the face of a tradgedy. I remember the first text I got that night, the tear filled phone calls. I looked back and realized that I was not where I needed to be. People didn't understand. They didn't understand how close our school was. They did not understand what it was like to be a knight. Although I did not know him all that well, he was still a family member, a member of my SMC family. If I could, I would have been on the first train, bus, or plane to SMC to be there for my friends, but due to monetary reasons I was unable to. Never have I or will I feel as alone as I did that night.
