Monday, February 21, 2011

Conservative Like Me: My Journey into the Mind of a Conservative - Part 2

Hey Everyone!!

Here it is...the moment many of you have been waiting for. Last week I began a 2-part Blog Series about my experience CPAC. However, due to the events of last week, I postponed this blog for a few days. It is back. Below, you will read my reactions to the events that took place at CPAC. What is CPAC? It is the Conservative Political Action Conference, a gathering of strong conservatives to discuss their political agenda, mingle, and network with others like themselves. It was my first investigative journaling piece. I delved deep inside -- I wanted to journey into the mind of a conservative. 

It has now been two weeks since CPAC and I have had a lot of time to think about this blog. Many people believe this will be an extreme partisan bashing of the far right wing, it will not be. I, throughout this piece, will be fair. If at all offended or would like to discuss something further, please read the entire piece and then talk to me. For any questions or comments, please email 

My first picture in the auditorium
I remember it like it was yesterday. The first time I stepped into the Marriott hotel was exhilarating. My friends were so excited, shaking I do believe. We quickly were registered and voted in the straw poll. Once we found ourselves in the main ballroom, we listened to some pretty big names. People clapped, people screamed their support, and it was an exciting atmosphere. Over the next three day, much of my research would be done in here. I saw many positive things come from the podium at the front. I heard the words of ways to unite the people of America, I heard people with plans on how they can save our country, I heard people excited about the political process. There were big names. I sat 20 ft from the likes of Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, the Honorable Mitt Romney, the Honorable Tim Pawlenty, the not-so-honorable Ann Coulter, etc. People I had watched for years on the news were right in front of me. It was hard not to be swept into things. There was such a happy atmosphere within the ballroom. I fully admit, I was surprised with how many times I stood up and cheered. There was a smile on my face, a smile on the face of my friends. It was an opportunity you could not get anywhere else, but in the great city of DC. 

Downstairs was the exhibit hall. I will admit this was not my favorite part of CPAC. Walking down the stairs, you were immediately barraged with pamphlets. Some of them really struck me and appalling. One was the ten reasons gay marriage and homosexuality was absolutely wrong. Now, you must be thinking you were at a conservative function, what do you expect? Well, not 30 ft from the flyers was a stand for one courageous group of Conservatives. They are an organization titled GOPROUD, an organization for the rights of the LGBT community. If you watched the news leading up to CPAC, you would know that many did not want this group to be at the event. One of my classmates, Kevin, interns with GOPROUD and even though people came over and criticized them to their face, they were still so proud to be there. I still can't believe or imagine what the members of the LGBT community went through that weekend -- whether it was the anti-gay pamphlets or the books and signs promoting parents to teach their kids about the wrongs of homosexuality or books to assist your friend who is gay to become an "ex-gay", yes, an "ex-gay".
Former Spearker Newt Gingrich

 Something else that struck me in the exhibit hall was the representation of stereotypes. What do you think of, when you think of a Conservative Republican. Many may think of the gun-wielding, god-fearing, left-hating, cowboy hat wearing, person. Although I encourage all to not stereotype people and to only base upon judgment when actually meeting someone, but I was shocked at what I found at CPAC. In one of the exhibit halls, the NRA had an electronic shooting range, where you could learn how to fire a gun -- this, at a political rally, this, just weeks after a congressional representative was shot and almost assassinated. Now I will not say that the NRA is evil and guns are the reason for all the violence in the world, but why shooting lessons? Another thing that surprised me was the hate towards the left and especially towards President Obama. There were mean-spirited t-shirts, a wall of pictures to throw eggs at, a dartboard, stress relievers of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, and an Obama countdown statue, were just some of the things handed out that symbolized not a disagreement, but in my eyes, hatred. A conversation that stuck me the most this weekend, something that I had not planned and really did not want to be a part of was a conversation by two youths my age on the religion of President Obama, whether he was a Christian or Muslim. I got aggravated and almost broke my cover. I turned around and asked how these students "knew" Obama was a Muslim. They regurgitated the usual rhetoric, "he helps terrorists, secret deals with Islamic Nations, oil, etc." I then asked a very simple and fair question that unfortunately incited a gut-wrenching remark that forced me to leave. I asked, "If Obama was a Muslim, in a country that written in the words of its constitution, state a freedom of religion, what would the issue be?" Without even thinking twice, the boys responded in almost unison, "He'd be a terrorist.” That was what they were taught, Muslims = terrorist, a lesson many people teach their kids every day. Religion played a big part in the weekend; in fact, I was somewhat surprised how much God was a special guest at CPAC. Almost every speaker spoke about God and how only he could bring the country from turmoil, on a poster that asked why you were a conservative, someone wrote, because God is, and there were several Christian exhibits in the halls. This was fine, they had every right to be there, but the line between church and state were often blurred, especially when a speaker stated that America needed to return to its "Christian Values".

Former MA Governor Mitt Romney
Now, this blog is not a rant, rather a collection of observations. The left wing of the nation is not exempt from anything stated. They are not innocent of inciting hate towards the other aisle. They are not guilty of many of the things conservatives are. This shows the partisanship of our country, and I believe the fruition of the warnings of George Washington in his farewell address. What I saw at CPAC was something beautiful. It was a gathering of people who had a common interest. It was a gathering of people to support each other. I was so proud to be an American when I was there. Sure, I was deeply offended by some of the things that were said, but the fact that everyone can express their own opinions is something beautiful. In so many countries, people cannot speak their mind, they cannot express concern of the government, and they cannot stand up. As the conference was going on, the people of Egypt were rising up to their government, and the police were sent after them and their internet was shut down. This is not the only example. We live in a country where if you do not agree with something you have every right to stand up and say it. That is what I saw at CPAC, I saw people practicing their first Amendment right. I saw people who were proud to see their heroes. I saw people literally shaking or smiling uncontrollable like my friend Noelle and Hannah in the midst of political figures. I saw the ability to communicate and understand in conversations with my friend Katherine. I saw the courage to stand up for who you are no matter what, with my friend Kevin. I saw what made America so great. I saw people proud to be an American!

Stay honest and keep those around you honest, 


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