Monday, April 4, 2011

A Circus Life

Hey Everyone!!

So I know there is long gaps between blogs lately, but it has been crazy here in DC. In another blog this week I will write about my research paper that literally consumes all my time. Now, I have a moment to relax and tell you about some of the things that have been going on. These past two weeks have led to amazing opportunities that will never be forgotten. I am so grateful to have experienced everything I have up to this moment and am still   taken aback by life in DC everyday. 


I feel as though over the past few weeks have our class' speakers covered the theme "you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it". We have heard from former Us attorneys, Hill workers, creators of organizations, etc. What have I learned? Exactly as stated before, you can do anything if you just want too. 

Self Confidence!!
One of the first speakers we had in the past two weeks was an experienced FBI agent who has risen through the ranks and now serves in one of the most coveted positions in the FBI. Now you may think someone like this may be too serious or boring, but our speaker spoke with ease and humor. He told us the story of his life and engaged the 32 of us with his stories: the ups the downs and the in-betweens. Later we spoke with a former, US attorney. Through all of his journeys, all of his titles, his successes and failures, he gave up what he had the fame, prestige, for his family - to make sure his kids were able to get the best education possible. We also met someone who worked so hard, studied so hard, and had the opportunity to work for a senator. Unfortunately, her passion for working on the hill was taken away as the voters decided to not re-elect the Senator. She did not give up and now has another high profile job for the federal government. Last week we heard from one of the founders of a highly controversial conservative  interest group, GoProud. This organization, since its opening, has experienced opposition and messages of hate because although they represent most of the same views as conservatives, they represent gay conservatives. The co-founder knew this would happen, but it was more important for him and the other co-founder for the voices of a silent minority were not being heard. Their desire to succeed gave the voice to those who were once not heard, those who were afraid of coming out as a conservative that coming out as a homosexual. Lastly, we heard from a student that knew what they wanted - to become a lawyer defending the Constitution of the United States. He worked hard, put himself through proper schooling, and now gets to do what he loves everyday. 

Many people join the Washington Semester Program to meet speakers from across the spectrum of the professional world of Washington DC. I knew that I would meet incredible people, people with great stories and significance. Never did I think I would gain as much insight as living life to the fullest as I truly have. While others are networking and getting possible contacts from the people we meet, I am learning the power of desire and believing in yourself. 

Circus Time:

Me with all the proper circus gear
One thing I have learned while living in the great city of Washington is the ease of getting lost in life. In a world of people who are clothed in suits on a day to day basis, a world surrounded by breaking news headlines, monuments, memorials, important people and buildings, it is easy to get swept up in the craziness. Quickly I learned upon my arrival that most of my life here would be an "adult life" - one where I would have to take a step back from my usually quirky always looking to do something stupid to brighten someones day or get a laugh. Often, I joke I am a ten year old stuck in twenty year old's body. Here that is not true, it can't be. I am okay with that though. I know what its like to have a 9 - 6 job, what its like to write a 60 page paper, what its like for school and work to consume every moment. However, sometimes I get the opportunity to take a break, to sit back, relax, and most of all have fun.

The Best Part
Last week, a dear friend of mine, Sara, approached me about attending the Ringling Bros Circus that weekend. Yearning to do something fun and spontaneous we decided on a date and within two days I had tickets. The day quickly arrived for Sara and I to attend the circus and we waited with baited breath. It was so much fun to be with a friend and enjoying life at the circus - dressed in shorts and polo rather than a suit. During intermission, we quickly ran down to the snack bar and indulged in the snacks of yesteryear - popcorn, cotton candy, nachos, washed down by an ice cold coke.To make things even better the cotton candy came with a whimsical hat that made for many hilarious pictures. The circus was filled with oos, aahhhs, and plenty of laughs. Joy and awe blanketed any thoughts or stresses of every other day -- for those two short hours, our lives were stress free. Sara and I bonded that day and have quickly embraced the concept of living in the moment and have planned out future trips to the blooming cherry blossoms, the zoo, etc. 

Sara and I Ready for the Cicrus
These past two weeks have been quite a whirlwind. Later this week I will post again with pictures and the telling of a great April fools joke, a weekend with my family, the blooming blossoms, and reflections on the future. Until then I will wake up, go to school, go to work, and enjoy living the Capital life. 

Stay honest and keep those around you honest!!

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